Monday, February 25, 2008

Place Vendome

Place Vendome
Originally uploaded by wck
It's so spring like here! I'm wiped out from my long walk this afternoon and no sleep last night. If there is an "unable to sleep on airplanes" lifetime achievement award, I should really at least be in the running.

I've done nothing useful since I got here. I took the Air France bus down, and then went and vegged in the Jardin des Tuileries in one of those wonderful chairs with the semi-reclined back. Then I got a HUGE latte from Starbucks, walked for 2 hours, and returned to the tuileries to sit some more and snack on some macaroons. I had a look at the Paris-Visite pass line at the Louvre, but it freaked me out, so I'm pass-less for now.

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